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Positions in the NT for Internship are competitive and the number of vacancies are limited. Previous experience of working/studying in the NT in a rural, remote and/or Aboriginal health location will give an applicant good standing in this process. However, all Medical graduate applicants will be selected against their capacity to work in a rural and remote environment.

To be eligible as an Intern in the NT, you must NOT have commenced or completed a medical Internship previously in Australia or Overseas. If you have completed an Internship previously (overseas) please go to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Website for more information.

All applicants must meet the Medical Board of Australia's English language skill registration standard.

If you are currently working through any of the assessment pathways to registration as an International Medical Graduate with the Australian Medical Council (AMC) please apply for employment through the Northern Territory Resident Medical Officer (RMO) application process. For any enquiries regarding how to apply for these positions please email with your enquiry.

Applicant Categories

a) NT Bonded Medical Scheme (NTBMS) Applicants

b) Any Australian Aboriginal medical applicants, who meet any of the following:

  • NTG Scholarship Holder

  • NT Resident*

  • Identify as Aboriginal (includes all Australian Aboriginal applicants)

c) Australian and New Zealand medical applicants who have/will complete a medical degree at an Australian Medical Council (AMC) accredited Medical School who meet either or both of the following:

  • NTG Scholarship Holder

  • NT Resident*

d) All other Australian and New Zealand medical applicants who have/will complete a medical degree at an Australian Medical Council (AMC) accredited Medical School who are Australian/New Zealand citizens/Australian permanent residents.

With previous experience working in one or more of the following:

  • Working/studying in the NT (medical school student placement/s)

  • Previous experience in an Australian rural, remote and Aboriginal health location/s (e.g. Aboriginal Medical Services, Rural Clinical Schools, involvement in Rural Student Clubs)

e) Medical applicants from an AMC accredited Medical School who are NOT Australian/New Zealand citizens or Australian permanent residents

With previous experience in one or more of the following:

  • Working/studying in the NT (AMC) accredited Medical School placements)

  • Previous experience working in a rural, remote and Aboriginal health location/s (e.g. Aboriginal Medical Services, Rural Clinical Schools, involvement in Rural Student Clubs)

*Definition of NT Resident

An NT Resident is an Australian citizen/permanent resident who has resided with a permanent address in the NT for either:

  1. at least 3 years out of the last 6; or

  2. a total of at least 5 years since commencing primary school

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