Prevocational Accreditation System
"The health services have effective organisational and operational structures dedicated to managing prevocational doctors, including rostering and leave management.” Criteria 1.4.3
This is an unequivocal statement that a training health service must have management systems. These systems are also expected to respond effectively to internal and external influences. Decision makers who have a grasp of systems thinking are able to deploy a simple but powerful set of concepts and tools to implement systems management.
Presumably, at an accreditation survey a prevocational training provider could be expected to provide evidence that it actually has management systems and these have been implemented in a way that enables them to respond effectively to the national standards and requirements for prevocational (PGY1 and PGY2) training programs and terms.
A system self-regulates through feedback. Therefore, a prevocational training provider can continually improve by responding to feedback. High performing prevocational training providers are continually collecting data, reviewing it and using this information to improve processes.
The NT prevocational accreditation system is designed to evolve. Therefore, the Prevocational Accreditation Committee (PAC) will continue to develop and review components of the prevocational doctor accreditation system as part of their role. Additional or revised components shall be updated in the online Prevocational Accreditation Manual and pages within this website. An email advising the prevocational training providers of any changes will be forwarded to the providers contact person. Prevocational training providers must ensure if they have printed a hard copy of the Prevocational Accreditation Manual that they update that hard copy and that their knowledge of the accreditation standards, policies and processes is kept up to date so that they can advise and guide other staff that are teaching, training and supervising prevocational doctors.
The PAC appreciates the involvement of all accreditation stakeholders in the implementation of the NT prevocational accreditation system and contribution to its development over time in a professional manner.
The PAC has been delegated responsibility by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) for the accreditation of prevocational training providers. The PAC has developed a robust and transparent accreditation system based on national and international best practice. The system encourages and promotes quality improvement to ensure the highest quality education and training for prevocational doctors and collaboration between prevocational training providers and the NT accrediting authority.
This prevocational accreditation system draws together a range of information and resources of interest and use to key stakeholders in the accreditation system, including but not limited to:
Prevocational Doctors
Senior Medical Practitioners
Directors of Medical Services
Directors of Clinical Training
Medical Education Officers
The system is made up of one part and five sections:
Section 1: Accreditation Policies
Section 2: Accreditation Processes
Section 3: Accreditation Standards
Section 4: Accreditation Resources
Section 5: Surveyor Information