NT Junior Medical Officer Forum Current Goals and Projects
Fair and transparent term allocations with a focus on opportunities and requirements for career progression and planning;
A regulated and protected education program involving both health services in hospital wide, rotation and team specific components for all doctors in training;
Committed junior doctor health and wellbeing support across health services, rotations and teams. With consideration of junior doctor training needs (career progression) balanced and in conjunction with health community needs;
Accreditation of all unaccredited junior medical officer positions to ensure local and national Prevocational accreditation standards (and others) are met for the safety and wellbeing of patients and junior doctors in training across the NT.
Aiding and promoting in the implementation of career streamed years with pre-set rotation lines in the NT Health services to aid in junior doctor career progression, education, allocation fairness and workforce retention;
The implementation of a health service hospital wide junior doctor mentor-ship program;
Implementation of the 'Resident Guide' App - mobile/smart phone app for all junior doctors working in the NT.